Pew News - February 25th 2018
Pew News Online.
Here's what's HOT this week !
■ Young Pilgrims meet this Sunday at 9:30
■ Devotions for Lent every Wednesday at 7:45pm - This week at Bolney
Station No. 4 - Jesus meets his Mother (Rev Ruth Bond)
■ Subscribe to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE #livelent
■ Listen Again to our Sermons Online
Services This Week
Offers to help sell our Prize Draw Tickets will be most welcome both before and on the day.
Tea at Agates - Saturday 18th August by kind invitation from Judy.
Offers of help will be much appreciated. Please let Sue or Judy know if you can help in any way.
Here's what's HOT this week !
Hymns | Readings | ||
08:00 | Holy Communion BCP | ||
09:30 | Sung Eucharist | P: 54 At the name of Jesus G: 626 Take up thy cross O: 761 Will you come and follow me R: 428 Love Divine | Genesis 17.1-7,15,16 Psalm 22.23-31 Romans 4.13-25 Mark 8.31-38 |
■ Young Pilgrims meet this Sunday at 9:30
■ Devotions for Lent every Wednesday at 7:45pm - This week at Bolney
Station No. 4 - Jesus meets his Mother (Rev Ruth Bond)
■ Subscribe to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE #livelent
■ Listen Again to our Sermons Online
Intercessions - Please continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Margaret Akeroyd, Hannah Buhler, Barney Barclay, Veronica Burgess, Maddie, Gay Courtnage, Bob Ellis, Jessie Foote, Richard Ford, Joy Futcher, Joy Moon, John Higinbotham, Bobbie, Steffi Nunn, Jackie Clare Hunt, Cyril and Nellie Lucas, Douglas and Eleanor Littlejohn, Doug Mills, Geoff Mills, Jon Perrott, Henry Rogers, Helen, Janet Samson, Dorothy Sheridan, Gina Ricci, Mike Vidler, and Brenda Watts.
Chrism Mass with Blessing of the Oils will be held in Chichester Cathedral at 12 noon on Tuesday 28th March. We shall once again be joining with Cowfold in attending this service and then for lunch after. This year we are planning to go to the Bay Tree Restaurant in Tarrant Street, Arundel. A menu will be available shortly. Everyone is welcome so if you would like to join us please could you let Sue know. Lifts can be arranged if needed.
Easter Lilies for Church
Easter Day falls on Sunday April 1st and at this time of the year we ask if anyone would like to donate a lily in memory of a friend or relative which are used to decorate the church over the Easter Festival. If you would like to do this, then please put the money, in cash, in an envelope, with the names of the people to be commemorated and leave at Badgers Cottage, 29 The Street. Please put through the letterbox on the door and not in the mailbox. The lilies cost £2.50 each and the last day for payment is March 16th. A list will be placed in church with all the names. If you do not want your relative on this list please indicate on the envelope.
Services This Week
- Said Eucharist - Wednesday at 10.00am at Cowfold
- Lent Devotions - Wednesday at 7.45pm at Bolney
- Said Eucharist - Thursday at 9.30am at Bolney
- 8:00am Holy Communion
- 9:30am Sung Eucharist
Bolney Christian Women’s Breakfast Saturday 10th March at The Eight Bells 8.30am – 10.30am
More details to follow - please bring a friend. To book please contact Marigold.
Year of Prayer within our Diocese Visit for more information. A Prayer Card for your personal use is available on the table by the door. Bishop Richard is to make a pilgrimage across the Diocese in the week leading up to Pentecost. He will stop at St Mary Magdalene for prayer with us at 9.30am on Wednesday 16th May. All are welcome to join him.
Dates for your diary
Village Day - Saturday 30th June.Offers to help sell our Prize Draw Tickets will be most welcome both before and on the day.
Tea at Agates - Saturday 18th August by kind invitation from Judy.
Offers of help will be much appreciated. Please let Sue or Judy know if you can help in any way.
Can you Help ?
Interesting articles wanted for Parish Magazine If anyone would like to write a regular or occasional article for the magazine (travel, hobby, gardening etc) please send to our editor Penuel Ellis-Brown Articles to be with the Editor by 15th of the month please.
New readers, sidespersons, intercessors, ministers of communion and coffee makers are always welcome to join our rota. If you would like to help please see Sue or contact Martin Wood who kindly spends a good deal of time putting the rota together for us.
FSW Basket for donations of non-perishable groceries. Your contributions are gratefully received for distribution around the diocese for those less fortunate than ourselves. They are collected on a regular basis. Pasta, tinned goods, cereals and toiletries are very welcome.
Plastic Milk Bottle Tops are collected to raise funds for the Chestnut Tree Children’s Hospice. Please wash and add them to the bin by the door. Please do not add any other kind of bottle top.
General Information
Flowers in Memory of a Loved One Would you like to remember a friend or relative in a special way on an important anniversary, a birthday or date of death? We decorate the church with flowers most weekends (though not in March/ April during Lent or November in Advent). If you would like to contribute to those flowers for a specified occasion we invite you to put a cash donation into an envelope with the date and name of the person who is being remembered. This should go through the door at “Badgers”, The Street, marked clearly Margaret Burgess, donation. The money will go towards flowers for that weekend. A note will go into church with them if that is what you would like. Please ring Emily on 01444 881320 for more information.
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a 21st century solution to offset one of the greatest problems of local church income – ‘static’ giving. Donations made through PGS use a Direct Debit which can be on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. The full donation, plus any associated Gift Aid is sent straight back to us here at St. Mary Magdalene. PGS makes life easier for administration and improves our cashflow. This in turn frees up our energies to focus on other important church priorities and not be so worried about money. PGS also gives an option for you to agree, in principle to increase your donation in line with inflation each year which in the long term, will make a huge difference to our church finances - just tick the box when you complete the application form. Please be reassured that if your circumstances change, it is easy to decline the increase when the annual inflationary letter arrives in advance of any change. You may already have been approached but if not to join the scheme please contact Tim for further information. Tel 881320 or
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