Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas) Sunday 3rd February 2019

Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas) 3rd February 2019
Welcome to
St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Bolney
Please stay for refreshments afterwards.

8:00amHoly Communion
BCP (Said)

Service will be at BOLNEY today


Hymns are included in the Order of Service that you will be given along with candles to be lit at the beginning of the service.Malachi 3: 1-5; Psalm 24
Hebrews 2: 14-end
Luke 2: 22-40

Young Pilgrims will be taking a break for a while.

Refrain for the Psalm: 

Year's Mind: Jack Foster

Intercessions - Please continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Margaret Akeroyd, Hannah Buhler, Margaret Burgess,Veronica Burgess, Maddie, Bob Ellis, Jessie Foote, Richard Ford, Joy Futcher, Joy Moon, Les and Christina Hamstead, John Higinbotham, Louise Carter, Jackie Clare Hunt, Cyril and Nellie Lucas, Douglas Littlejohn, William and Ann Mill, Doug Mills, Geoff Mills, Kerry Parsons, Jon Perrott, Henry Rogers, Helen, Janet Samson, Dorothy Sheridan, Steven Stone, Gina Ricci, Mike Vidler, Pennie and Nick Wells, Treena Lerwill, Michael Maine (Rural Dean), Jackie Slaughter, Lucy Mitchell and Maurice Clift.

The Week Ahead  -  What's New  -  Coming Soon

Wednesday 6th February 10am Said Holy Communion at Cowfold

No Thursday Said Eucharist at Bolney this week.
Please refer to other information for revision of weekday services.
(Online and hard copies available)

Sunday 10th February
8am Holy Communion (Said BCP) at Cowfold
9.30am Sung Eucharist at Bolney

Isaiah 6: 1-8; Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15: 1-11
Luke 5: 1-11

"Alexa, open the Church of England" -  How to use the skill on your Alexa device

■ Check the Website for regular news updates          ■ Listen Again and subscribe to recent sermons

 Dates for your Diary

Fr Keith will be licensed as incumbent of St Mary's, Goring by Sea on Tuesday 12th February at 7.30pm.
Anyone wishing to attend please let Sue know so that we can share transport. Offers to drive will be much appreciated!

Next Saturday Market will on 16th February 2019  at the Rawson Hall 10am - 12 noon. Free refreshments.
If you would like a stall please contact Claire George clairegeorge@bolney.plus.com

 Tuesday Group  is under discussion with the possibility of a Lent course.
Information will be available soon.

Saturday 23rd February 2019, 10am to 3:30pm Old School (Tudor Hall), Cuckfield RH17 5JZ
Please bring your own lunch. Mission and Vocation Speaker: Fr Damian Feeney SSC This day will explore the relationship between our baptismal calling as Christians and our shared call to mission. How might this be best understood? How does that work out in the lives of individuals and communities? Fr. Damian Feeney has been Vicar of Holy Trinity, Ettingshall (Wolverhampton) since 2015. He combines this with his role as Catholic Missioner to the Diocese of Lichfield. Prior to 2015 he was Vice-Principal and Charles Marriott Director of Pastoral Studies at St Stephen’s House, Oxford, and an associate member of the University of Oxford Faculty of Theology. Prior to 2009 he was a parish priest and missioner in the Diocese of Blackburn and was a member of the working party which produced the original Mission-shaped Church report. He is a member of the Leading your Church into Growth team and the College of Evangelists, having initiated Eucharistic church plants in Harrogate and Preston; he is also a member of the Society of the Holy Cross, and of the General Synod. He is married to Fiona, a church primary school head teacher, and they have three grown up children.

A Journey through Narnia  Holy Trinity, Cuckfield
Saturday 16th February 6pm
Rev Michael Maine shows and tell the extraordinary story of the world's longest embroidery created by one person.
Tickets £10 to include wine and canapes
Sue has some tickets if you would like to attend.
Proceeds to Family Social Work

Can you help?


The wardens and our clergy have made some revisions to the service pattern for the ensuing months of our interregnum. There are hard copies available in church but please check our website for any last minute changes. We ask for your support and patience as we settle into a new routine although there are no major changes.

Chichester Cathedral Friends are celebrating 80 years since their foundation. Please pick up a leaflet by the door for information and how we can support our Mother church.

Please help by being vigilant
Some churches in the Diocese have experienced recent break-ins and metal theft.  If you see anything untoward in or around church, please report it to the police and notify the churchwardens.

Plastic milk bottle tops
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops and drop them in the bin in church (washed!) They raise funds for the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice resources. It is worth noting that these tops cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin.
