Palm Sunday 14th April 2019
![]() | Palm Sunday 14th April 2019 | |
Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene, Bolney Please stay for refreshments afterwards. | ||
8:00 | Holy Communion BCP (Said) | Service at Cowfold this Week | |
9:30 | Sung Eucharist | All hymns are contained in the service booklet you will receive as you enter church. | Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 31: 9 - 16 Philippians 2: 5 - 11 Dramatic reading of the Gospel (Luke) |
Year's Mind: Stefan Ricci, Maurice Akeroyd and Gary Chalwin.
Intercessions - Please continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Hannah Buhler, Toby Edwards and all his family, Richard Ford, Les and Christina Hamstead, Louise Carter, William and Ann Mill, Kerry Parsons, Henry Parsons, Steven Stone, Trevor, Jackie Slaughter and Lucy Mitchell
There is a comprehensive list in our Prayer Corner at the side of the organ for all those we wish to pray for.
We pray especially for the repose of the soul of Geoffrey Mills and offer love and prayers to Fr Martin in his time of loss.
A prayer for our interregnum for us all to use regularly.
A vital point that we can all participate in prayer during this time:
Loving God, as we journey together through this period of interregnum,
let us look to the journey of our Patron, St Mary Magdalene, for inspiration:
As she and the other disciples walked alongside Christ, give us joy in each other,
as we share responsibility for our church and our community
and may the gift of interregnum be a period of deeper love and fellowship.
As she stood at the foot of the Cross give us courage to face our future and embrace the unknown.
As she waited and watched by the Tomb give us patience to wait and wisdom to live and trust in the waiting.
As she witnessed Christ in the stillness of early morning grant that we may witness his presence with us at all times
and let us look forward to rejoicing in that presence with our new Vicar. Amen
A vital point that we can all participate in prayer during this time:
Loving God, as we journey together through this period of interregnum,
let us look to the journey of our Patron, St Mary Magdalene, for inspiration:
As she and the other disciples walked alongside Christ, give us joy in each other,
as we share responsibility for our church and our community
and may the gift of interregnum be a period of deeper love and fellowship.
As she stood at the foot of the Cross give us courage to face our future and embrace the unknown.
As she waited and watched by the Tomb give us patience to wait and wisdom to live and trust in the waiting.
As she witnessed Christ in the stillness of early morning grant that we may witness his presence with us at all times
and let us look forward to rejoicing in that presence with our new Vicar. Amen
The Week Ahead - What's New - Coming Soon
Sunday 21st April Easter Day 8am Holy Communion at Cowfold 10am Breathing Space at Bolney Midweek Communion Unfortunately we need to cancel Thursday 25th April at Bolney Please refer to the website for updated information |
"Alexa, open the Church of England" - How to use the skill on your Alexa device
■ Check the Website for regular news updates ■ Listen Again and subscribe to recent sermons
Dates for your Diary |
Thank you to Tony and Simon for leading us through our Lent course. Some interesting discussions followed the videos.
Grateful thanks to all who helped with our spring clean yesterday. It's good to have the church sparkling for Easter! Next Saturday Market will on 25th May 2019 at the Rawson Hall 10am - 12 noon. Free refreshments. If you would like a stall please contact Claire George The Chrism Mass (Blessing of the Oils) will take place in Chichester cathedral on Tuesday 16th April at 12 noon. Due to a change in circumstances we will not be going out to lunch this time. However if you would like to attend please contact Linda Barker on 881709 or email Linda has kindly offered to coordinate transport. If you are able to offer transport that would be welcome too. All of Holy Week The church will be open all day as usual. For those wanting to acknowledge the Stations of the Cross you are welcome to do so privately. There is a selection left on the table by the door for your use. Maundy Thursday 19.45pm Sung Eucharist with Washing of Feet and Stripping of the altars at Bolney Good Friday 10am Matins at Cowfold 2pm Meditation at Bolney Easter Eve 7pm Blessing of the Paschal candles at Cowfold Easter Day 10am Sung Eucharist at Bolney (Breathing Space) APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Sunday 28th April following our Eucharist. Nomination forms for the Election of Churchwardens and members of the PCC are available in church and on our website. Please complete and return to Claire George, PCC Secretary or leave with churchwardens. Saturday 8th June A Prayer Breakfast in conjunction with Bolney Village Chapel at The Eight Bells. If you wish to attend please sign the list that will be in church soon. Cost £5.00 each Saturday 17th August 2019 Tea at Agates by kind invitation from Judy. Please save the date! Harvest Supper - a joint venture with Bolney Village Chapel - Saturday 28th September. Details to follow. |
Information |
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) Sunday after Easter 28th April will follow immediately after our Eucharist. Please make every effort to attend. Nomination forms are available for election of churchwardens and PCC members. New members will be most welcome to join your PCC. Please speak to any current member or churchwarden for more information. Find a nomination form in church or HERE Interregnum The wardens and our clergy have made some revisions to the service pattern for the ensuing months of our interregnum. There are hard copies available in church but please check our website for any last minute changes. We ask for your support and patience as we settle into a new routine although there are no major changes. Please help by being vigilant Some churches in the Diocese have experienced recent break-ins and metal theft. If you see anything untoward in or around church, please report it to the police and notify the churchwardens. Plastic milk bottle tops Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops and drop them in the bin in church (washed!) They raise funds for the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice resources. It is worth noting that these tops cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin. |
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