Fourth Sunday after Trinity 14th July 2019

Fourth Sunday after Trinity 14th July 2019 
Welcome to
St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Bolney
Please stay for refreshments afterwards.

8:00Holy Communion
BCP (Said)
Service will be at Cowfold today
9.30amSung EucharistP: 304    I come with joy, a child of God
G: 736   When I needed a neighbour
O: 332   I, the Lord of sea and sky
R: 397    Light of the minds that know him (t. Aurelia)
Deuteronomy 30: 9-14;
Psalm 25: 1-10
Colossians 1: 1-14
Luke 10: 25-37

Thank you to Peter Irwin-Clark for presiding today - it is always a pleasure to welcome him to Bolney!

Grateful thanks to everyone who bought and sold raffle tickets, gave prizes and their time to make our Grand Prize Draw a great success culminating at Village Day yesterday. The result will be announced shortly.

Year's Mind: Margaret Allen and Vic Rickards

Intercessions - Please continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Hannah Buhler, Jo Clements,  Richard Ford, Les and Christina Hamstead, Louise Carter, Michael Hudson, John Humphreys, Helen James, Sarah Jenks, William and Ann Mill, Kerry Parsons, Henry Parsons, Steven Stone, Trevor and Lucy Mitchell.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Malcolm Fordham, Jackie Slaughter and Bob Ellis and for their families and friends who mourn.

There is a comprehensive list in our Prayer Corner at the side of the organ for all those we wish to pray for.

A prayer for our interregnum for us all to use regularly.
 A vital point that we can all participate in prayer during this time:

Loving God, as we journey together through this period of interregnum,
let us look to the journey of our Patron, St Mary Magdalene, for inspiration:
As she and the other disciples walked alongside Christ, give us joy in each other,

as we share responsibility for our church and our community
and may the gift of interregnum be a period of deeper love and fellowship.
As she stood at the foot of the Cross give us courage to face our future and embrace the unknown.
As she waited and watched by the Tomb give us patience to wait and wisdom to live and trust in the waiting.
As she witnessed Christ in the stillness of early morning grant that we may witness his presence with us at all times

and let us look forward to rejoicing in that presence with our new Vicar.  Amen

The Week Ahead  -  What's New  -  Coming Soon

Thursday 18th July 2019
Said Eucharist at 9.30am at Bolney

Sunday 21st July Trinity 5 
Celebrate our Patronal Festival
8am Holy Communion (Said BCP) Cowfold
10am Breathing Space at Bolney

Please refer to the website for updated information

Song of Solomon 3: 1-4;
Psalm 42: 1-10
2 Corinthians 5: 14-17
John 20: 1-2, 11-18

"Alexa, open the Church of England" -  How to use the skill on your Alexa device

■ Check the Website for regular news updates          ■ Listen Again and subscribe to recent sermons

 Dates for your Diary
PCC meeting Thursday 18th July at 2.30pm in church.

On Sunday 21st July we will celebrate our patron saint St Mary Magdalene at Breathing Space
Please stay for a glass of wine after the service.

Saturday 17th August
Tea at Agates by kind invitation from Judy.  3 - 5pm.   Entry by Donation.
Everyone is invited to tea and cake - please bring your friends.
Homemade cakes to serve and sell will be much appreciated and raffle prizes too.

Harvest Supper & Barn Dance - a joint venture with Bolney Village Chapel
Saturday 28th September - More information available on the Website and Posters


Children and Family Work Conference 6th and 7th September 
At St Andrew's, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill
 This course is highly recommended by the Bishop of Lewes
For more information
Or Visit:

Please help by being vigilant
Some churches in the Diocese have experienced recent break-ins and metal theft.  If you see anything untoward in or around church, please report it to the police and notify the churchwardens.

Plastic milk bottle tops
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops and drop them in the bin in church (washed!) They raise funds for the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice resources. It is worth noting that these tops cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin.
