19th Sunday after Trinity - 18th October 2020

19th Sunday after Trinity -  18th October 2020 

St. Mary Magdalene



Face coverings must now be worn at indoor places of worship (unless excepted)
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The church is open every day from 9am (11am Sun/Thur) for private prayer

 We are very much looking forward to welcoming Michael this Sunday.
Licensing Service  -     Pictures         Audio File        Video Clip
For the time being, there will not be any 8am BCP Services at Bolney but they will be held at COWFOLD on the
2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month

9:30Sunday Eucharist

Let all the world
All my hope on God is founded
We cannot measure how you heal
Be thou my vision
Breath on me, breath of God (t. Trentham)
Be still for the presence of the Lord
O Lord, hear my prayer
Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour

This service is 'admission by ticket only' to enable us to adhere to the current distancing and capacity rules

Acts 16:6-12
Psalm 99
2 Timothy 4:5-17
Luke 10:1-9

Collect: Almighty God, you called Luke the physician, whose praise is in the gospel, to be an evangelist and physician of the soul: by the grace of the Spirit and through the wholesome medicine of the gospel, give your Church the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

Years Mind: 

We continue to pray especially for all nations tackling Coronavirus, for persecuted Christians abroad
and for the populations of East Africa & Pakistan whose crops are being devastated by locusts.

IntercessionsPlease continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - 
Hannah Buhler, Veronica Burgess, Louise Carter, Joan and Albert Clifford, Fred Harrison, John Higinbotham, Michael Hudson, David Kennard, Roy Leggett, Rita List, Trevor and Lucy Mitchell, Annabel Moir, Adrian Morris, Richard & Julie, Jenny Scofield, Steven Stone, Hudson Wiggins

The Weeks Ahead
The church and some surrounding footpaths will be CLOSED ALL DAY on Thursday (22nd)
for safety reasons whilst major tree surgury is carried out on the old yew.
The Mens Group will meet online using Cuckfield's ZOOM link this Wednesday (21st) at 8pm
. . . this month it's a Quiz Night and all are welcome to join us. Contact Ron Leggett for more information.
All Souls Eucharist - Thursday 5th November
We will be remembering the departed at our Said Eucharist for All Souls on Thursday 5th November at 9:30am. Due to the current COVID-19 precautions, we are not able to offer the usual paper list on the welcome table for hand written names to be added.
If you would like the names of any loved ones remembered at this service, you can add their name(s) HERE
Sunday Worship at St. Mary Magdalene
Every Sunday at 9:30 - Check the website for more details.
The service is then available to listen to online from 1pm - check your email for the notfication.

Thursday Morning Said Eucharist
Join us in church on Thursday at 9:30.
Regretably the service has had to be CANCELLED this week (22nd)
The service is followed by our 'Skype Coffee Break' at 11am.

Night Prayer (Compline) on Skype
A service of Compline is livestreamed on Tuesday evenings at 8pm.


If you've some news to share with our Church community in Pew News then please let Sue Ayres know.

Website Highlights
** Our Website Is Updated Regularly **
Please remember to print hard copies of the reports if you require them at the meeting

Spiritual Communion at Home
For those who are unable to attend the Eucharist at this time

Website Resource Pages
Links to Daily Prayer, Liturgy, Intercessions and General Information from the Church of England
 ■ Smart Speaker Apps -  The Church of England on your Alexa or Google device

News and General Information

Church Yard Yew Tree
Update from the Churchwardens regarding the recent storm damage

Bolney Market
The final market of the year scheduled for November has been cancelled.

Parish Giving Scheme
Church expenditure has not substantially changed during the COVID-19 outbreak.
We still need to support mission, insure the church building, continue outward giving and contribute towards clergy costs.
If you want to adjust your giving, you can contact PGS at info@parishgiving.org.uk or call 0333 002 1260.

For more about the scheme visit www.parishgivingscheme.org.uk quoting Parish Code: 100 610 153.

 October Winners - £100:  Mrs C Evans   £60:  Mrs A Moir   £40:  Mrs D Gardner 

Could you help to restock the FSW foodbank?
Non-perishable goods, toiletries, pasta, cereals, tinned goods etc are especially welcome at this challenging time.
We now have FSW baskets both in church and in the Eight Bells - Please continue to donate when passing or visiting.
Plastic milk bottle top - Chesnut Tree House Childrens Hospice
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops as they cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin.

Please help by being vigilant
. . .  when passing the church and contact either churchwarden if you are suspicious of any untoward activity.
Once having made provision for your loved ones, please consider leaving a legacy in your will to our beautiful church.
