Fifth Sunday after Trinity 17th July 2022
![]() | Fifth Sunday after Trinity 17th July 2022 | |
St. Mary Magdalene Bolney | ![]() | |
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Covid 19
Now that all restrictions have been lifted, Michael, Tim and Sue can only leave yours and everyone's safety to common sense while the virus is still about. For the next few weeks we will leave the door open and keep under review.
The church is open every day for private prayer.
No Service at Bolney | Holy Trinity, Cuckfield and St Peter's, Cowfold | Holy Trinity, Cuckfield hold an 8am service every week either BCP or Common Worship. Cowfold holds an 8am Holy Communion (BCP) on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays each month | |
9.30am | Sung Eucharist | P: 359 Jesus shall reign G: 77 Blessed are the pure in heart O: 314 Immortal, invisible R: 13 All for Jesus | Genesis 18.1-10a Psalm 15 Colossians 1.15-28 Luke 10.38-42 |
Year's Mind: Chris Futcher, Elizabeth Sturch, Ivy Nulty and Angela Barlow.
Intercessions: Please continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Mary Chamberlin, Albert and Joan Clifford, Ann Collins, Helen, Michael Hudson, Anne Leggett, Rita List, Rose Luce, Annabel Moir, Peta Pratt, Paul Riseley, Jenny Scofield, Angela Tabor, Mike Vidler, Hudson Wiggins, Baby William James and all those carers locally who quietly carry out their duties with little support or respite available at this time.
Pray also for those families in the village who have opened their homes to those made homeless as a result of war in Ukraine.
Please pray for Ebonie Haworth and her family as she is welcomed into our church family at her baptism on Sunday afternoon.
Please pray for the repose of the soul John Higinbotham and his family who mourn.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Cyril Lucas. He will be sadly missed by everyone, not only for his sense of humour but for the service he gave to the village in his working life. Please pray for Nellie and his family in their loss.
Cyril's funeral service will take place in church on Monday 18th July at 2pm.
Peta's ongoing care has now been arranged in a nursing home near to her daughter in East Grinstead.
Our prayers especially for the desperate situation in Ukraine, also Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Southern Madagascar and all countries of the world who are suffering as a result of war, famine, drought, persecution and political unrest.
We continue to pray for all nations tackling Coronavirus.
The Weeks Ahead |
Please note that there will NOT be a Said Eucharist on Thursday 21st July as the School Leavers will be having their final service in church that morning.
Fifth Sunday after Trinity 24th July
Patronal Festival
9.30am Sung Eucharist
Night Prayer (Compline) on Skype
Most Tuesdays at 8pm
Book these dates in your diaries!
The next Men's Group meeting will be on Wednesday 20th July at The Eight Bells.
Please let Ron Leggett know if you would like to attend. He will be delighted to hear from you!
Saturday 23rd July 6pm
Summer Concert to celebrate our Patronal Festival.
All details on the leaflet which you have received. Please reply to Michael's invitation (free ticket)
to a Strawberry reception prior to the concert, for catering purposes.
Sunday 24th July Patronal Festival 9.30am
The preacher will be Canon Trevor Dennis who retired in 2010 after over 16 years on the staff of Chester Cathedral as Canon Chancellor and then Vice Dean. Before that, he was tutor in Old Testament Studies and latterly Vice-Principal at Salisbury and Wells Theological (now Sarum) College,
Tea at Agates (by kind invitation from Judy)
Saturday 30th July 3pm - 5pm
All offers of help will be gratefully accepted.
Homemade cakes and raffle prizes will be gratefully received.
Saturday Markets 10am - 12noon.
Saturday Market is back at the Rawson Hall!
If you are interested in having a stall please contact Claire George
Following dates: 24th September and 26th November.
If you've some news to share with our Church community in Pew News then please let Sue Ayres know
Website Highlights |
Bolney Magazine
The new magazine is now delivered to every home in the parish. There are extra free copies available in church for non-residents and visitors.
■ Smart Speaker Apps - The Church of England on your Alexa or Google device
News and General Information |
Church expenditure has not substantially changed since the COVID-19 outbreak.
We still need to support mission, insure the church building, continue outward giving and contribute towards clergy costs.
If you want to adjust your giving, you can contact PGS at or call 0333 002 1260.
For more about the scheme visit quoting Parish Code: 100 610 153.
July Winners - £100: Mr E Hazel £60: Mr M Sutton £40: Mr I Fairbairn
Could you help to stock the FSW foodbank?
FSW continue to distribute non-perishable food to known families. Currently gifts are collected from church on the second Wednesday of each month. Please drop your offerings into the box as near to that day as possible. We also welcome gift vouchers or financial donations that can be directed at supporting the families most in need and as usual, items can be left in the baskets either in Church or the Eight Bells. For more information check the FSW website or contact
Plastic milk bottle tops - Chestnut Tree House Childrens Hospice
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops (supermarket only) as they cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin. There is a collection bin in church. Huge thanks to Ron and Anne Leggett for making regular deliveries to the collection point in Chichester.
Please help by being vigilant
. . . when passing the church and contact either churchwarden if you are suspicious of any untoward activity.
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops (supermarket only) as they cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin. There is a collection bin in church. Huge thanks to Ron and Anne Leggett for making regular deliveries to the collection point in Chichester.
Please help by being vigilant
. . . when passing the church and contact either churchwarden if you are suspicious of any untoward activity.
Once having made provision for your loved ones, please consider leaving a legacy in your will to our beautiful church.
Further information can be found on:
Please support St Mary Magdalene through Easyfundraising when doing your shopping.
Sign up now through the link:
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