Epiphany 2 Sunday 14th January 2024


Epiphany 2 Sunday 14th January 2024

St. Mary Magdalene





No Service
at Bolney
Holy Trinity, Cuckfield Holy Trinity, Cuckfield hold an 8am service every week either BCP or Common Worship.

9.30amSung Eucharist 

P: 137 Crown him with many crowns

G: 413 Lord of all hopefulness

O: 000 O God you search me

R: 296 How shall I sing that majesty

1 Samuel 3.1-20
Psalm 139.1-5,12-18
Revelation 5.1-10
John 1.43-51

To protect ourselves from unnecessary infection, your wardens have agreed that we should continue to exchange the peace during  the service by continuing to avoid physical contact.
Your cooperation would be appreciated. Thank you. Hand gel is always available at the door. 
Please stay for coffee.

Welcome and thank you to Canon Peter Sills for presiding this morning.

Year's Mind: Connie Wadham, Elspeth Marshall, Maureen Aungier, David Robins and Hendrie Bruce.

Intercessions:  Please  pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Tom Crawford, Vanessa Crocker, Dilys Dunkin, Sandra Gibson, Rob Glew, Helen, Michael and Jenny Hudson, Fr Derek Humphrey, Ron Leggett, Keith Littlejohn, Tim Laker, Annabel Moir, Adrian Morris, Peta Pratt, Paul Riseley, Jenny and Peter Scofield, Craig  Beth and William and Hudson Wiggins and all those carers locally who quietly carry out their duties with little support or respite available at this time. 

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Rose Luce and for Richard and their close family at this time. Rose's funeral service will take place at St Mary Magdalene on Friday 19th January at 12.30pm followed by burial at St Peter's, Cowfold. 

Please continue to pray for the repose of the souls of Toni White, Geraldine Miller and Graham Adby and their families as they mourn.

Our prayers continue for the desperate situation in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, and for those trapped in Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Southern Madagascar and all countries of the world who are suffering as a result of war, famine, drought, persecution, political unrest and continued Coronavirus outbreaks.

Loving God, as we journey together through this period of vacancy, let us look to the journey of our Patron, St Mary Magdalene, for inspiration:
As she and the other disciples walked alongside Christ, give us joy in each other, as we share responsibility for our church and our community and may the gift of interregnum be a period of deeper love and fellowship.
As she stood at the foot of the Cross give us courage to face our future and embrace the unknown.
As she waited and watched by the Tomb give us patience to wait and wisdom to live and trust in the waiting.
As she witnessed Christ in the stillness of early morning grant that we may witness his presence with us at all times and let us look forward to rejoicing in that presence with our new Vicar.  Amen

The Weeks Ahead

Epiphany 3  Sunday 21st January 2024
9.30am Sung Eucharist

Next Thursday Said Eucharist will be on 25th January.

Please check our website regularly for updated information.

    Holy Trinity, Cuckfield will be delighted to welcome everyone at any of their three midweek services. Please go to their website for information.

Book these dates in your diaries!
Future Men's Group meetings 
Wednesday 17th January 2024 at The Whyte Hart, Cuckfield for Pub Games 7pm - 10pm
Please contact Clive Simmonds or Ron Leggett if you would like to attend.

Lent Courses 2024
Please refer to the two documents attached to your Pew News email.
One course will be via Zoom, the other to start at The Vicarage, 5 Barrowfield, Cuckfield.
Please note joining instructions.

Cuckfield Deanery Day (morning!) will be held on Saturday 10th February
to be held at the Martindale Centre, Horsted Keynes. 10am to 1pm.
 The subject will be 'What is the New Testament?' Speaker: Rev Earl Collins, Vicar of St John's, Hove. A scholar and former Benedictine Abbot

Saturday Markets  
10am - 12noon. Rawson Hall
Markets for 2024: 24th February; 25th May; 21st September; 23rd November
If you are interested in having a stall please contact Sue Ayres


If you've some news to share with our Church community in Pew News then please let Sue Ayres know

Website Highlights

Bolney Magazine
The magazine is now delivered to every home in the parish. There are extra free copies available in church for non-residents and visitors. We welcome our two new editors, Karyn Kelley and Melanie Uniacke. Email: bolneymagazine@gmail.com for information.
 ■ Smart Speaker Apps -  The Church of England on your Alexa or Google device 

News and General Information

Parish Giving Scheme

We need to support mission, insure the church building, continue outward giving and contribute towards clergy costs.
If you want to adjust your giving, you can contact PGS at info@parishgiving.org.uk or call 0333 002 1260.

For more about the scheme visit www.parishgivingscheme.org.uk quoting Parish Code: 100 610 153.

Please note that you are now able to donate to church funds via our website. Follow the blue link for Give a little.

January Winners -  £100: Mrs S Staples    £60: Miss J Woodland    £40: Mrs C Evans

Could you help to stock the FSW foodbank?  

FSW continue to distribute non-perishable food to known families. Currently gifts are collected from church on the second Wednesday of each monthPlease drop your offerings into church as near to that day as possible. We also welcome gift vouchers or financial donations that can be directed at supporting the families most in need and as usual, items can be left in the baskets either in Church. For more information check the FSW website or contact Sue.

Plastic milk bottle tops - Chestnut Tree House Childrens Hospice 
Please continue to save your plastic bottle tops from milk bottles and milk cartons.  There is a collection bin in church. 

Batchelor's Field Community Cafe
Needs our support whether it is to help or buy lunch or coffee. There is a huge shortage of volunteers so if you can help to serve lunches and drinks you will be welcomed with open arms.

Please help by being vigilant
. . .  when passing the church and contact either churchwarden if you are suspicious of any untoward activity.
Once having made provision for your loved ones, please consider leaving a legacy in your will to our beautiful church.

Please support St Mary Magdalene through Easyfundraising when doing your online shopping.
Sign up now through the link: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stmmbolney
