Christmas 1 Sunday 30th December 2018

Christmas 1 Sunday 30th December 2018
Welcome to
St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Bolney
Please stay for refreshments afterwards.

8:00amHoly Communion
BCP (Said)

Service will be at Cowfold today

Sung Eucharist

P:  36     Angels from the realms of glory
G: 700   Unto us a boy is born
O:  40     Arise to greet the Lord of light (t. Repton)
R: 641    The first Nowell
1 Samuel 2: 18-20, 26
Psalm 148
Colossians 3: 12-17
Luke 2: 41-end

Refrain for the Psalm: 'O praise the name of the Lord'

Year's Mind:  Jackie Wadham, Brenda Pople, Mona Woodland, and Toby Winstone

A belated but no less sincere, huge vote of thanks to all our flower arrangers for making the church look so beautiful for Christmas.

Many happy returns to Hazel for tomorrow (31st) on reaching a significant Birthday!

All good wishes for a very happy New Year to all our readers.

Intercessions - Please continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Margaret Akeroyd, Hannah Buhler, Veronica Burgess, Maddie, Bob Ellis, Jessie Foote, Richard Ford, Joy Futcher, Joy Moon, Les and Christina Hamstead, John Higinbotham, Louise Carter, Jackie Clare Hunt, Cyril and Nellie Lucas, Douglas Littlejohn, William and Ann Mill, Doug Mills, Geoff Mills, Jon Perrott, Henry Rogers, Helen, Janet Samson, Dorothy Sheridan, Steven Stone, Gina Ricci, Mike Vidler, Brenda Watts, Pennie and Nick Wells, Tony and Jane West, Treena Lerwill, Michael Maine (Rural Dean), Jackie and Pam Slaughter and Lucy Mitchell.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Wendy Lambourne and Ann Sourbutts and their families and friends who mourn.
Also for Roberta (Bobbie) Brodie who has recently passed away.

The Week Ahead  -  What's New  -  Coming Soon

Thursday 3rd January 9.30am Said Eucharist at Bolney

Sunday 6th January The Epiphany
8am Holy Communion (Said BCP) at Bolney
9.30am Sung Eucharist at Bolney
11.15am Sung Eucharist at Cowfold

Isaiah 60: 1-6; Psalm 72;
Ephesians 3: 1-12
Matthew 2_ 1-12

"Alexa, open the Church of England" -  How to use the skill on your Alexa device

■ Check the Website for regular news updates          ■ Listen Again and subscribe to recent sermons

 Dates for your Diary
Fr Keith's last Sunday with us will be on 20th January at 10am Breathing Space.
Please stay afterwards for refreshments and farewells.
Fr Keith will be licensed as incumbent at St Mary's, Goring by Sea on Tuesday 12th February.

Next Saturday Market will on 16th February 2019  at the Rawson Hall 10am - 12 noon. Free refreshments.
If you would like a stall please contact Claire George

 Tuesday Group  will take a break until 2019. Watch this space!

 Can You Help?

Please help by being vigilant
Some churches in the Diocese have experienced recent break-ins and metal theft. Cuckfield , Bolney and Colgate have been targeted very recently. If you see anything untoward in or around church, please report it to the police and notify the churchwardens.

Plastic milk bottle tops
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops and drop them in the bin in church (washed!) They raise funds for the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice resources. It is worth noting that these tops cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin.
