2nd Sunday of Easter 19th April 2020

2nd Sunday of Easter  -  19th April 2020 
Welcome to
St. Mary Magdalene, Bolney

All Services are Suspended until Further Notice
The Church Building is Currently CLOSED

Online -
Readings for Today
Acts 2.14a,22-32
Psalm 16
1 Peter 1.3-9
John 20.19-31
 Including -

Grateful thanks to Fr. Martin and Tony Bond for continuing to pray, preach and read each Sunday for us.

Let us renew our faith, our hope, our desire to love and serve the Lord, and to proclaim His eternal kingdom in word and deed. Alleluia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Flora Young and for Rev. Ruth and family in their loss at this difficult time.

Years Mind:   Gary Chalwin, Doreen Coupland, Derek Clarke

We pray especially for all nations as we tackle the coronavirus,
that we abide by the advice from our knowledgeable Medical and Scientific Officers.
Please pray for all persecuted Christians abroad and especially the population in East Africa and Pakistan where their crops are being devastated by locusts.

IntercessionsPlease continue to pray for those who are sick and in need within our families and community especially - Annabel Moir, Lisa, Norton and Ann Collins, Veronica Burgess, Jenny Scofield, Adrian Morris, Charlie Batchelor, Rose Luce, Richard Ford, Les and Christina Hamstead, Louise Carter, Michael Hudson, Helen James, Sarah Jenks, Kerry Parsons, Henry Parsons, Steven Stone, Trevor and Lucy Mitchell, Hannah Buhler, Alan and Tony Whitlock,  Archdeacon Fiona, John Higinbotham and Jon Thompson.

**  Our Website Will Be Kept Regularly Updated **
Check For The Latest Resources & Information

The Week Ahead
Skype Coffee Morning
If you are able to access Skype then please feel welcome to join our 'Coffee Morning' with Fr. Martin.
11 am each Thursday morning - Our first one last Thursday was great fun!
For more information on how to join then please speak to Sue Ayres

Night Prayer (Compline)
Starting on Tuesday 21st April at 8pm, Fr. Martin will lead Night Prayer via his personal Facebook page.
Currently through administration difficulty, he is unable to use the St. MM Facebook page.
Order of Service can be found HERE

Website Highlights

 St. Mary Magdalene Eucharist - Bible Lessons and Sermon
Please look for this weekend's sermon,  readings and intercessions.
 - recorded or document - on our website.
Thank you to our team of intercessors who will continue composing each week for us.

Spiritual Communion at Home
For those who are unable to attend the Eucharist at this time

Website Resources Page
Links to Daily Prayer, Liturgy, Intercessions and General Information from the Church of England
Check back regularly for NEW and updated links

■ Smart Speaker Apps -  The Church of England on your Alexa or Google device

■ Check the Website for latest news updates        ■ Listen Again using the sermon Archive

General Information
Card Donations Welcome!
We are also now able to welcome donations towards the upkeep of our beautiful Parish Church by Visa, Mastercard and American Express using Contactless (up to £30), Apple Pay and GPay.
Located by the Welcome Table, the machine is easy to use and will be available both for weekday visitors and at all services.

Family Support Work
Please continue to donate non-perishable goods to the basket inside the church door.
Toiletries are welcome as well as pasta, cereals, tinned goods etc.
Our own FSW basket is currently in the Eight Bells pub so please continue to donate when you collect from our Community Shop.

Please help by being vigilant
Even though our church is currently locked and being checked every day for any intrusion, if you are walking by please continue to be vigilant from the outside. Contact either churchwarden is you are suspicious of any untoward activity.

Plastic milk bottle tops
Please continue to save your plastic milk bottle tops. Once church is open again please drop them in the bin. They raise funds for the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice resources. It is worth noting that these tops cannot be recycled in your wheelie bin.

Once you have made provision for your loved ones in your will, please consider leaving a legacy to our beautiful church.
Our policy can be found on: https://www.stmarymagdalenebolney.org.uk/support-us/legacy/
