
Flowers in Memory of a Loved One
Would you like to remember a friend or relative in a special way on an important anniversary, a birthday or date of death? We decorate the church with flowers most weekends (though not during Lent or Advent). If you would like to contribute to those flowers for a specified occasion we invite you to put a cash donation into an envelope with the date and name of the person who is being remembered. The money will go towards flowers for that weekend. A note will go into church with them if that is what you would like. Please ring Emily on 01444 881320 for more information.

Gift Aid
enables us to claim back from HMRC, the tax paid on ALL of your donations. This gives, at no extra cost to yourself, an additional 25p for every £1 donated and provides an invaluable source of income for our Parish Church. If you are a UK taxpayer paying income tax and/or Capital Gains Tax, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration which is available from the Treasurer. If you use a YELLOW Gift Aid envelope, PLEASE include your name and address.

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
Donations made through PGS use a Direct Debit which can be on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. PGS also offers a solution to one of the greatest problems of local church income – ‘static’ giving. Please contact Tim for further information on 01444 881320 or

100 Club
is a fun way of fund raising! Just £10 a month gives you 5 numbers in the monthly draw to win one of three cash prizes from a fund of over £200. Please speak to Tim or Sue if you would like to join.

We welcome support from your online shopping. Church funds benefit when you shop with many well known retailers - at no extra cost to you. Please click the link above for more information and to join.